General dental practice available in Spokane
4 ops. Avg annual collections $732K, estimated annual take-home $189K, Hygiene/Diagnostic revenue 35%. Digital x-rays, digital pano x-ray, Eaglesoft. Space is leased. $636,000. Contact McVay Group (#E464)
Thriving 5 op integrative dental practice available in Spokane!
Avg annual collections $1.5M, avg annual income $657K, Hygiene/Diagnostic revenue 39%. Digital pano/cone beam, Dexis digital x-rays, Trios scanner. CRE also available. $1,195,000. Contact McVay Group (#E514)
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Duel enrollment student at SCC, seeks entry-level employment in dentistry
Currently enrolled student in the Running Start Program at SCC planning to pursue a FT dental career after graduation. Available after 9am on Wed/Fri and after 11:30am on Tuesday/Thurs. Also available on weekends. Contact: